Thursday, 19 December 2019

Some Top Food Storage Myths You must Know About

Well, the internet is just here to answer any query. The same is the case for food storage and survival topics. Internet and many other books teach us so many things about food storage as major component of emergency preparedness kit. But, the real thing is that everything is not true. There are some myths regarding food storage. This is the reason; we have brought to you the top folk stories about food storage.

Let’s find out the top myths about food storage.

Storage of Wheat and Flour
Many of use store wheat. Well, I am not saying that the storage of wheat is good or bad. Here, I am just presenting you with some facts regarding wheat storage. Many of you can grind wheat at home and make flour out of it. Some people cannot grind wheat at home. However, they buy flour from the superstores and store it. Though wheat is healthy for us but from the times of depression, many of us do not want to consume wheat. Well, if I talk about our grandparent and great-grandparents, they neither consumed wheat nor they were depressed ever. However, in times of growing depression, doctors recommend consuming less wheat. We make bread, sandwiches, cake, crackers, and many more eatables from wheat flour. Imagine you store a minimum of 350 pounds wheat per person, and at the end of a year, you do not need that wheat, what will you going to do with that wheat then. However, storing wheat is not essential for your whole family. You can store a small amount of wheat or flour for an emergency. 

Beans and Pulses can Last Forever

Another myth about food storage is that beans and pulses can last forever. Somehow it is true, as beans have a hard shell and they can protect the inner protein and fiber. But, if you are not storing your beans and pulses in a proper can, they will get damaged after some years. You can use can beans, as they are long-lasting. Canned beans and pulses are always fresh. You can use them after 10 years of storage. Moreover, if you want to store beans at home, dry them in natural light for at least 15 consecutive days. When the beans get dry, grind them and store the powder in an airtight jar.   

Storage of Quick to Cook Recipe’s Ingredients
We are living in a busy life and we always want to find a recipe, we can cook quickly. If we know such type of recipe, we would love to cook and eat that. We find it easy and quick. But, it is not safe all the time to cook your stored food. For example, you know a quick recipe of Turkey Tetrazzini, and you stocked up all the ingredients of that recipe. After some time, it will not give you the same taste. Turkey was in your storeroom for so long. However, you cannot store every food item. 

Storage of Canned Food

Well, we find it easy to have canned food in our homes. But, if we talk about healthy food, canned items are not safe all the time. You should not stock up canned foods for more than 2 years. 

A Place for Food Storage

Well, you need a clean and airy space for the storage of food. De-cluttering is essential when you want to store food at home. You should clean the room before storing your food. Moreover, there should be no insects and bugs. Also, there should be no watery area or fungus. You cannot store your food in any wet area. Moreover, you do not need a spacious room. You can store your food in a small room as well.

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